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At the wedding reception

Wedding speeches

Traditionally only three speeches are delivered at a wedding, namely by the bridegroom, the bride’s father and the best man. Just like so many other traditions, this one is also going out of fashion and it has become appropriate for anyone to say a few words.

The master of ceremonies is in charge of the announcements and the proceedings. What is said and how it is said, contribute to the sociable atmosphere.

The Groom’s speech

The groom’s speech is the most important speech of the day.

By the time it is his turn, the bridegroom is usually quite tense. His friends’ jovial jokes while he is trying to speak also trip him up. However, if he plays along, he will make things easier for himself and that will help him to relax.

It definitely helps to be well prepared and have written notes. When one is jittery, it’s very easy to forget what one wanted to say. Firstly, he compliments his bride because she looks beautiful. He assures her of his love for her.

He thanks the following people:

  • Her parents for their daughter and for their share in the marriage event.

  • His own parents for his good upbringing and their support over the years.

  • The groomsmen and the bridesmaids.

  • The guests for being there, especially those who had to travel far.

  • The guests for their good wishes and gifts.

  • All those helped free of charge with the wedding arrangements. There is no need to thank the suppliers, who are being paid for their services. It is only necessary to thank those who really walked the extra mile.

  • He will discuss these expressions of gratitude whit his bride before the time so that no one is overlooked.

The bride’s father’s speech

The bride’s parents could deliver this speech together.

They are the hosts. Traditionally, they should welcome all the relatives and friends and thank them for sharing this occasion. They could tell some charming stories from the bride’s childhood. They will also welcome their new son-in-law in the family and bless the wedding couple

The best man’s speech

Wedding Speeches

The best man’s speech is a response to the groom’s speech.

It is usually light-hearted and humorous, telling about his adventures with the bridegroom. He should keep it brief and clean, avoiding vulgar and offensive remarks so that no one is embarrassed.

His words should also have a deeper undertone that presents the groom in a good light. Lastly, the best man should complement the bride.

Important tips for the master of ceremonies

Ask the wedding couple how they wish the reception to take place, and who should deliver speeches and say grace.

Contact the persons concerned and check that they know what their tasks are. Gently remind them that their speech should not be longer than two minutes, and that they should spotlight the person’s good qualities.

Contact the caterers and arrange when menu items should be announced.

Contact the bartender and check when the bar will open and close. Also arrange that the bar will be closed during speeches.

Contact the person in charge of the music, making sure that it will be soft while guests await the wedding couple and change over to something suitable when they enter the venue.

If the master of ceremonies is not good with jokes, he can enlist the help of someone who is witty. He does not have to do it himself. Some people just have the flair for telling wonderful jokes.

Bear in mind that there will be guests of all ages at a wedding and that dirty jokes are in very poor taste and should be avoided altogether.

The smooth progress of a reception very much depends on the master of ceremonies and he should have all aspects of the occasion well in hand.

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